
Hotel pitbull prattville al
Hotel pitbull prattville al

hotel pitbull prattville al

We know that BSL is ineffective, costly to residents and unfair to responsible dog owners. BBR does not support any form of breed specific legislation (BSL), which targets specific breed(s) for restrictions or bans. Breed Specific LegislationīBR fully supports reasonable, non-breed specific, dangerous dog laws laws that will protect responsible owner’s rights and promote a safe community for all residents. We will respond as quickly and as thoroughly as we can. We are always open to new ideas, and we like to stay current. Be sure to back up your position with credible research.

hotel pitbull prattville al

If you disagree with any of our position statements, we encourage you to contact us, and (respectfully) disagree. Animal rescue, and pit bull rescue in particular, is a passionate subject, with passionate supporters and detractors. You may not agree with everything listed below, and that is to be expected. We want all of our donors and volunteers to know where we stand on important issues in the rescue community.

Hotel pitbull prattville al